The new WDESK and WINOX products with innovative and original design were registered in October 2011 at the OHIM (Office for Harmonization in the Internal Market - European Union official body that carries out the registration of trademarks and designs). The result is is the outcome of the investment for the production of dedicated models which have led to the creation of two new original Laumas brand products. The WDESK and WINOX series have a high degree of ergonomics and are suitable for any type of installation (front panel, table, column or wall).
The patent application for the WDESK series has been filed.
Calibrations accredited by Accredia and quality test for load cells with or without weighing instrument.
Save weighing data to the cloud, process and analyze them: now you can, with LAUMAS IoT devices.
The evolution of LCB digitizers for load cells: higher performance and new features.