البرمجيات الإشرافية
برنامج لجمع بيانات الوزن وتخزينها


طلب المعلومات إضافة إلى المفضلة


It is possible to save the weighing data measured with the Laumas weight indicators and transmitters to the cloud.
Compatible with TLM8, TLB4, W100, WDESK, WINOX, WTAB L-R and G-2G series instruments.

The instruments transmit the data to the cloud via an IoT gateway, to which they are connected via a serial connection.
The gateway in its turn is connected to the network that goes to the cloud via an Ethernet cable and a LAN with internet access, or via a 4G mobile network using a SIM.

Saving data to the cloud permits:

  • having a secure digital archive for data;
  • viewing the data via a web browser;
  • combining and processing data for any industrial need;
  • communicating weighing data to any company ERP;
  • connecting the data to third-party software solutions.

Completely cloud-based solution, with no impact on the existing local IT


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