CLM8 series Intelligent Junction Boxes


CLM8 series Intelligent Junction Boxes

CLM8 series Intelligent Junction Boxes

The new CLM8 intelligent junction boxes series, provided with 8 INDIPENDENT READING CHANNELS for load cells, allow to have same benefits and performance of an advanced digital weighing system even using analog load cells.

Among the most innovative features:

  • LCD display and four-key keypad.
  • Diagnostic functions of the current load distribution on each active channel with archive backups: storing, retrieving, printing.
  • Digital equalization:  the instrument allows to equalize the connected load cells response in a fast and reliable over time avoiding use of junction boxes with trimmer.
  • Significant events archive (zeroing, calibration, equalization, alarms): storing, retrieving, printing.
  • Automatic diagnostics: Detailed diagnostics of each load cell (max 8). Instant anomalies report (also on the connected series W indicator display).

Available versions:

  • IP67 polycarbonate box
  • IP67 ABS box
  • IP67 stainless steel box
  • Omega/DIN rail mounting version
  • board version only


  •  EAC - complies with the Eurasian Customs Union standards (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan)
  • OIML R76:2006 European Directive 2009/23/EC (NAWI)

The CLM8 series has an Ethernet TCP/IP port (on request) to which connect for remote management via Internet by PC, smartphone or tablet, throughaccessing a website where display the % of distributed load, load cells response signal in mV and manage the instrument operation.

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