The CC-Link protocol of the TLB4 and TLM8 multichannel transmitters has been certified by the CLPA consortium.
This ensures that the two products, which are tested for compliance, meet the reference standards.
The products are tested in a network along with other components, ensuring:
▪ easy configuration of systems in which instruments of different models or manufacturers are combined;
▪ no communication conflicts with other instruments in the network;
▪ a precise presentation structure of the data on the network, making the developer's work easier.
CC-Link is a high-tech communication protocol, developed by Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.
Its ease of use and wide range of compatible products have made it a standard not only in Asia, but also in the rest of the world.
It is an organization founded in 2000, that groups together both manufacturers and users of instruments with CC-Link technology.
It supervises and manages the specifications of the protocol, promoting its circulation worldwide for network communications in the industrial automation sector.
Our commitment extends to the whole production process.
Attained the highest level of reliability as a counterpart in a business transaction.
Calibrations accredited by Accredia and quality test for load cells with or without weighing instrument.