LAUMAS enters the australian market by presenting its range of products approved for legal use with third parties (NMI Trade Approved).
Through the achievement of these two important product certifications LAUMAS aims to satisfy most of the needs of its international customers.
The National Measurement Institute (NMI) is Australia’s peak measurement organization, responsible for maintaining the primary standards of measurement.
If the weight reading of an instrument is used to buy or sell product, or to charge a tax or toll, it must be considered as a trade weight instrument. As a trade instrument, it must be either certified by NMI.
LAUMAS in recent months has obtained through NMI AUSTRALIA the approval that ensures TLB4 multi-channels weight transmitters can be sold for legal use with third parties; the series of W weight indicators is coming soon. Certificates are issued under Regulation No. 60 of the National Measurement Regulations 1999, with reference to standard NMI R 76 (Non-automatic weighing instruments).
For TLB4 series Weight Transmitters click here
For W series Weight Indicators click here
Calibrations accredited by Accredia and quality test for load cells with or without weighing instrument.
Save weighing data to the cloud, process and analyze them: now you can, with LAUMAS IoT devices.
The evolution of LCB digitizers for load cells: higher performance and new features.