
Accredia calibration

Accredited calibration laboratory LAT No. 02141

Accredited calibrations for forces from 2 kN to 100 kN, performed in compression and tension, of dynamometers (load cells) and dynamometer chains (load cells with instrument) with capacities from 1000 kg to 10,000 kg.
Calibration can be requested either when purchasing new products or for components already in use, of any manufacturer.

Accredited calibration laboratory LAT No. 02141
Accredited calibration laboratory LAT No. 02141
Accredited calibration laboratory LAT No. 02141
Accredited calibration laboratory LAT No. 02141
Accredited calibration laboratory LAT No. 02141
Accredited calibration laboratory LAT No. 02141

Lat N°02141

Accredited calibration laboratory

The laboratory is the LAT calibration laboratory accredited by Accredia, in compliance with the international standard ISO/IEC 17025 “General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories”.

Accredia is the Sole National Organization for accreditation designated by the Italian government, in application of European regulation 765/2008, and it guarantees compliance with regulations by accredited laboratories and reliability of statements of conformity issued by them on the market.

The accreditation therefore attests the competence, independence and impartiality of the laboratory and ensures the metrological correctness of the methods of measurement used (specifically, our procedures follow standards ISO 376 and ASTM E74).

The field and uncertainty of measurement for which the calibration laboratory is accredited are detailed in the specific accreditation table shown below:

Area metrologica
Metrological area
Settore / Calibraion field (SFO-06) Dinamometri / celle di carico compressione / trazione
Additional parameters
Campo di misura1
Measurement range
Medoto / Procedura
Method / Procedure
Trasduttori di forza
Celle di carico
Forza Compressione / Trazione da 2 kN a 100 kN 0,05 % UNI EN ISO 376:2011
ASTM E74-18e1
per confronto con trasduttore di forza

1 The field of measurement is the range of forces for which the laboratory is accredited

2 The stated extended relative uncertainty is the best possible calibration uncertainty for the laboratory within the field of measurement

The ACCREDIA calibration certificate issued by LAUMAS is an official document that guarantees the quality of the calibration and the reliability of the data obtained and is recognized worldwide because it is covered by the EA Mutual Recognition (valid in Europe), IAF (international) and ILAC (international) agreements.

The LAT certificate includes information on the laboratory that performed the calibration, the calibrated instrument, the date and the results of the calibration.