
Calibration reports

Calibration reports for load cells

The laboratory conducts calibrations valid for quality control purposes under the UNI EN ISO 9001 standard on load cells with capacities of up to 500,000 kg (5000 kN) under compression and up to 60,000 kg (6000 kN) under tension.
The calibrations are performed at ambient temperature and, on request, for forces of up to 100 kN (10,000 kg), they can also be conducted at temperatures between -20°C and +200°C.

Unlike accredited calibrations, these do not officially guarantee that the measurements are referable to the national and international specimens and are not covered by the agreements of mutual international recognition. The calibrations are performed with weights and measures procedures inside the laboratory. Therefore their results do not have the value of an officially recognized document. Calibration reports can be requested only for LAUMAS products.

ACalibration report with linearity test

Procedure: a test performed at 5 points of measurements that permits estimating the linearity error.

Available for the load cell only.

BCalibration report with repeatability and linearity test

Procedure: two consecutive tests performed at 5 points of measurement that permit estimating linearity and repeatability errors.

Available for load cells with or without a connected weight transmitter or indicator.

Note: The data given in this graph have been intentionally amplified for easier viewing. They do not reflect the actual values.