Notes de publication

Ver. 1.4.3 (22 Oct 2019)


  • At startup, if no loadcells are connected, the instrument work slowly, the keyboars is locked and ERCEL message is displayed also after connecting a loadcell

Ver. 1.4.2 (25 May 2019)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.4.1 (19 Jan 2012)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.4.0 (19 Jan 2012)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.3.6 (09 Nov 2011)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.3.5 (21 Jul 2010)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.3.4 (08 Jul 2010)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.3.3 (29 Jun 2010)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.3.2 (08 Jun 2010)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.3.1 (01 Jun 2010)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.3.0 (22 May 2010)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.2.0 (13 Mar 2010)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.1.1 (13 Mar 2010)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.1.0 (26 Feb 2010)


  • Keypad or display locking by instrument keyboard
  • Keypad or display locking by remote, using MODBUS-RTU or ASCII protocolos
  • MODBUS-RTU protocol: implemented specific command codes to execute tare weight zero setting and real calibration procedures
  • ASCII protocol: implemented specific command codes to execute tare weight zero setting and real calibration procedures

Ver. 1.0.2 (16 Feb 2010)


  • Net/Gross function can be assigned to Digital Input 2. A connected remote dispaly shows the weight value shown ont the instrument display (Net or Gross)

Ver. 1.0.1 (19 Dec 2009)


  • First official release