Членство в местных и международных организациях и консорциумах свидетельствует об активном и динамичном присутствии компании LAUMAS на рынке промышленных систем взвешивания. Различные организации продвигают и распространяют технические стандарты, оказывают нам поддержку при выполнении постоянных анализов и проверок наших инструментов, а также сертифицируют их качество и соответствие.
PI is the largest automation community in the world. It heads a global network of vendors, developers, system integrators and end users having a common interest in promoting, supporting and using PROFIBUS and PROFINET. Currently there are 24 RPAs, and there are over 1700 members worldwide making PI the largest automation organization of its kind.
CAN in Automation (CiA) is the international users' and manufacturers' organization that develops and supports CAN-based higher-layer protocols. CiA members develop and publish CiA specifications, which cover physical layer definitions as well as application layer and device profile descriptions. Representatives of CiA actively support international standardization of CAN protocols.
IO-Link is the world’s first standardized technology with point-to-point connection (IEC 61131-9) for communicating with sensors and actuators. This system allows to automatically parameterize sensors, diagnose the plant status and transmit measured values without data loss. The goal of the IO-Link Community is to develop and promote this kind of technology in association with PI (PROFIBUS & PROFINET International).
The ETG works for the diffusion of the EtherCAT standard (Ethernet for Control Automation Technology), the Ethernet-based fieldbus system. EtherCAT sets new performance standards. Handling is straightforward and similar to a fieldbus, thanks to flexible topology and simple configuration. Moreover, since EtherCAT can be implemented very cost-effective, the system enables fieldbusses to be used in applications where fieldbus networking was not an option in the past.
Organization which is responsible for the technical development, the promotion and the standardization of the Sercos technology. The Sercos technology is a truly open standard. Sercos International e. V. is an officially recognized partner of the Industrial Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).Sercos International e.V. Members include manufacturers and users of controls, drives, and other automation components, as well as machine manufacturers, research institutes, and associations.
The CLPA is the organisation of manufacturers of CC-Link compatible products and users of CC-Link technology and was formed in 2000. The CLPA oversees and manages the CC-Link specifications and promotes the worldwide adoption of CC-Link technology for network communications in industrial automation.