Примечания к выпуску

Ver. 1.10.00 (11 Mar 2025)


  • added the DHCP menu item, to give the possibility of enabling the automatic reception of the IP configuration (only for EthernetIP Fieldbus).
  • added the GATEWAY ENABLE menu item, to give the possibility of enabling the Gateway address set from the menu (only for EthernetIP Fieldbus).

Ver. 1.09.08 (17 Dec 2024)


  • CLM8: 16 channels mode, if load cells are connected to the slave device only, temporary error messages are displayed
  • Reading of digital input configuration by remote doesn't return the input index
  • Reading of digital output configuration by remote doesn't retur the output index

Ver. 1.09.07 (25 Nov 2024)


  • Firmware version compliant with INMETRO regulation
  • Modbus protocol: address 0 supported for broadcast communication
  • Analog output: output current or voltage value configured by remote
  • RS485 serial port: continuous transmission YHL protocol available
  • New inclinometer models supported
  • Equalization: axis mode available
  • Equalization: manual correction for calculated coefficients
  • Weight value expressed in e/10 available by remote
  • CLM8: 16 channels mode available for legal for trade applications

Ver. 1.08.16 (14 Oct 2024)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.08.15 (22 Aug 2024)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.08.13 (18 Jul 2024)


  • MODBUS communication stops working after the start of a batching cycle

Ver. 1.08.12 (11 Apr 2024)


  • connected loadcells not detected at the instrument startup

Ver. 1.08.11 (06 Feb 2024)


  • firmware update procedure, executed with Instrument Manager, abruptly interrupted durint step 3 of 4

Ver. 1.08.10 (02 Feb 2024)


  • Procedure for access to legally relevant parameters not working, if executed by remote
  • Semi-automatic zero execution by remote: execution state not correctly updated
  • Preset tare remote execution by remote: not allowed if the current gross weight is equal to zero
  • ETHERNET TCP/IP interface: CONTIN string not transmitted if a properly set digital input is closed

Ver. 1.08.07 (08 Jun 2023)


  • remote setting of the selection of channels to activate (via commands 6575 and 6094) did not work.
  • remote reading of the Filter Type parameter (via command 6520) returned an incorrect value.
  • in instruments approved for legal trade, the "reference number" was erroneously increased each time the menu was accessed.

Ver. 1.08.06 (08 Feb 2023)


  • bug-fix: setting the SWITCHING OF THE ALARM/TOLERANCE RELAY ON WEIGHT batching constants from Instrument Manager, only the value was saved on the instrument but not the functionality.
  • bug-fix: setting the SLOW batching constant from the Instrument Manager, only the value was saved on the instrument but the surrounding parameters were not adjusted.
  • bug-fix: the "NodeId" parameter related to the Powerlink fieldbus was not set correctly.
  • bug-fix: the reading of the mV values per channel from fieldbus was not managed correctly.
  • bug-fix: automatic batching was interrupted in case a manual batching was performed first.

Ver. 1.08.05 (17 Nov 2022)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.08.04 (09 Nov 2022)


  • Analog output: the output signal remains set on the gross weight even if the net weight has been selected

Ver. 1.08.03 (05 Nov 2022)


  • Added parity menu in case of inclinometer function. Default: EVEN


  • Sensitivity setting in theoretical equalization does not consider the divisions

Ver. 1.08.02 (11 Oct 2022)


  • The ordering of the bytes in the EXCHANGE REGISTERS of the CANopen/DeviceNet protocol has been reversed.
  • The ordering of the bytes in the EXCHANGE REGISTERS of the PROFINET-IO protocol (Single port model) has been reversed

Ver. 1.08.01 (10 Sep 2022)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.08.00 (07 Sep 2022)


  • Add mV reads for each channel on fieldbus registrers
  • Add tilt sensor protocol ACS-020-2-SC00-HE2-PM


  • Change Overload Managment: add singol channel error visualization, add fieldbus publication, add log event
  • Change Load Distribution Management: add fieldbus publication, change display visualization.

Ver. 1.07.26 (13 Jul 2022)


  • Command 6561: configuration wasn't maintained when the instrument is restarted
  • ASCII protocol: fixed commands of semi-automatic zero and net
  • Commands 105/106: error adding a new point in real calibration
  • Command 6094: returned feedback before waiting for the command execution

Ver. 1.07.25 (25 May 2022)


    • The ordering of the bytes in the EXCHANGE REGISTERS has been reversed

Ver. 1.07.24 (09 Apr 2022)


  • When ERCEL condition is active, status register is no more updated
  • ETHERNET/IP: W1 exchange register byte order not correct

Ver. 1.07.23 (24 Mar 2022)


  • Fixed the ordering of the words in the Exchange Register W1 in Little Endian mode in the fieldbuses that provide for the double ethernet port

Ver. 1.07.22 (11 Feb 2022)


  • In the procedure for tare weight zero when the diagnostic on zero is enabled, the load divisions were also displayed for non-existent channels
  • Fixed the visualization on the display of the word "ForP" during printing; now “Wait” displayed steadily.
  • Fixed Endianness of the R1 / W1 exchange register in the Modbus protocol
  • In the CC-Link BPSR procedure, the RXn0 bit was not resetted at the completion of the procedure
  • Sending the Modbus command 6559 caused the instrument to crash at the next reboot
  • In the batching printout, the GROSS / NET line was not printed.

Ver. 1.07.18 (06 Jan 2022)


  •  Alibi memory: ID code not correctly initialized during instrument startup. It's not possible to read previously soterd weighings

Ver. 1.07.16 (27 Nov 2021)


  • Reading of the load percentages on each channel by communication interface
  • Menu sections specific for batching load program

Ver. 1.07.15 (06 Oct 2021)


  • CC-LINK certified version by CPLA
  • Implemented overload monitoring function for single channel
  • Full remote control of the instrument, on all fieldbuses

Ver. 1.06.06 (24 Feb 2021)


  • Channel overload function not working on all active channels

Ver. 1.06.05 (23 Feb 2021)


  • TLM8, analog output: if voltage mode is set, at the successive instrument switch on, current mode is activated

Ver. 1.06.04 (15 Jan 2021)


  • MODBUS-RTU protocol or MODBUS/TCP interface: setpoints 3,4 and 5 value not correctly published in the specific registers

Ver. 1.06.03 (17 Dec 2020)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.07.00 (13 Nov 2020)


  • Instrument management by remote: with full access to all the configuration parameters and available functionalities
  • Batching LOAD program available
  • CC-LINK fieldbus: certified interface, compliant with CLPA consortium specifications

Ver. 1.06.02 (24 Sep 2020)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.06.00 (22 Sep 2020)


  • Real calibration, command code 106: a new calibration point is added
  • Real calibration, checks executed when a new calibration point is defined:
    • Operation not executed if the sample weight is equal to 0
    • Operation not executed if the sample weight is used in one of the currently defined calibration points


  • Real calibration, command code 101 original functioning restored. It deletes all previously registered calibration points and add a new one

Ver. 1.05.26 (18 Sep 2020)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.05.24 (11 Sep 2020)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.05.22 (01 Sep 2020)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.05.20 (29 Jul 2020)


  • Test menu: distribution of load percentages about tare weight zero are displayed only if automatic diagnostic of load distribution on zero is active

Ver. 1.05.18 (24 Jun 2020)


  • Zero tracking: instrument working very slow, due to unnecessary repeated data storing in the internal memory

Ver. 1.05.16 (13 Jun 2020)


  • Releay outputs management: in case of setpoint mode, the output is activated during the instrument power up, when weight reading is not stable and correct yet
  • CLM8, 16 channels system: system setup not correct

Ver. 1.05.14 (24 Jan 2020)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.04.10 (23 Jan 2020)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.05.13 (21 Dec 2019)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.05.12 (29 Nov 2019)


  • Legal for trade instrument: reference number wrongly increased, if jumper is used for the access to legally relevant parameters

Ver. 1.05.10 (05 Nov 2019)


  • First firmware version distributed with the service software Instrument Manager

Ver. 1.04.09 (07 Sep 2019)


  • CONTIN protocol: ST menu item added, to select to include the stable weight condition in the transmitted string


  • CONTIN protocol: MODT/MOD_TD selection not visible in the menu

Ver. 1.04.08 (11 Jun 2019)


  • MODBUS-RTU protocol: setpoints value writing doesn't work

Ver. 1.04.07 (16 May 2019)


  • Converter points reading: selected mode is not stored in the internal memory. It has to be set any time the instrument is switched on


  • RS232 serial port: delay paramter has 60ms as default value

Ver. 1.04.05 (31 Jan 2019)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.04.04 (07 Nov 2018)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.04.03 (23 Oct 2018)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.04.02 (19 Sep 2018)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.04.01 (28 Jul 2018)


  • active channels raw points value reading: byte order of the exchanged data not correct

Ver. 1.04.00 (25 Jul 2018)


  • Inclinometer management

Ver. 1.03.16 (21 Mar 2018)


  • Boot mode: message 'j' displayed when instrument enters the boot mode, instead of  'b' message
  • Fixed active channels manual selection 

Ver. 1.03.13 (15 Nov 2017)


  • MODBUS-RTU protocol: setpoints registers value is wrongly equal to 0, if the reading MODBUS request doesn't start exactly with their address (40019-40024)
  • Active channels selection: if requested by menu, a wrong number of acive channel is detected

Ver. 1.03.11 (11 Oct 2017)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.03.10 (24 Aug 2017)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.03.09 (23 Aug 2017)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.03.08 (18 Jul 2017)

Internal changes without any impact on the user

Ver. 1.03.07 (28 Jun 2017)


  • Info menu, added section Generic, showing the following data:
    • Instrument name
    • Software code
    • Active program
    • Firmware version
    • Serial number
  • Fieldbus interface: "BUS ER" error message introduced, to signal issues regarding the communication between internal components related to fieldbus interface section


  • Fieldbus interface: specific parameters value changing applied without instrument reboot

Ver. 1.03.05 (19 May 2017)

Internal changes without any impact on the user